Cordero Handcrafted Lighting is Currently Open and Shipping Orders!
Coronavirus, like Voldomort, is a name I only say in hushed tones (apologies for the non-Potter fans). This “virus” continues to disrupt small businesses around the US. Although online stores are faring better than storefronts, the pandemic has had its way with supply chains, shipping efficiencies, and all that complex fun stuff that makes the world go round. Many businesses are looking to cut corners in order to win back profits or make up for lost time. This is NOT the case for Cordero Handcrafted Lighting. Although we are working around the clock (seriously – what time is it?), we will not compromise on the hand crafted – attention to detail – high quality nature of each product.
No robots or assembly lines here – and we like it that way.
We also know that your time and wallet are valuable! We are very thankful that you chose a Cordero Handcrafted Lighting product. A tracking notice will be available as soon as your package is securely boxed up and out the door. Please hang in there with us and know there will be LIGHT at the end of the tunnel – in more ways than one!
Voldomort, I mean Coronavirus, will not win.
With much appreciation,